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MAS 36 308 Win
1.2Kviews•1 year ago
Open for SKS Trade. One of the few Century Arms that was correctly converted into 308 Win - This one has new barrel AND has the correct hook of forend to reciever.
Close to the ultimate bush gun. Rubber recoil slip on as this is LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT although original steel butt plate is there.
Blueing on receiver is great - this was in good condition before conversion to 308
I do not think I have ever seen one of these in Canada. I do have surplus 308 7.62 ammo but at 78 yrs old I never got this out to the range.
More powerful than the small 30-30 and about the same size if not even smaller.
Bit late for this fall hunt but could be a riot at the range.
Unmodified 36s are now over $1,000 but this one is actually useful.
Prefer pickup in Waterloo but will ship.